Welcome to Changzhou Yongchang Granulating Drying Equipment Co., Ltd.
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All the information contained in this website is provided by our company and uploaded to this website after our company's audit. The company endeavours to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information and is responsible for the authenticity and legality of the information. However, any error, long explanation, misunderstanding, or any other inaccurate understanding of the content of this website will not take any legal or other liability.

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The interpretation power of the above statement is owned by the company. The legal interpretation is based on the interpretation of Chinese law. If the dispute is limited to the judicial department where we are located.
Changzhou Yongchang Granulating Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development, and manufacture of drying equipment and pelletizing machinery. Currently, it is a company that produces a wide variety of drying equipment and specifications in China.